Dyer Sports Scholarship
The Sports Scholarship is intended as a gift to a student who undertakes to maintain and evolve the sporting activities of the hall.
About the Award
Who can apply?
The award is at least £500.
Anyone living in St Anselm Hall who is planning on returning to Hall for the following year.
Number of Awards
There is no limit to the number of years a student can apply for and win this award.
Number of Recipients
The scholarship is awarded to one student per year.
Applying for the Sports Scholarship
Everything you need to know about applying.
The scholarship is open to any student living in St Anselm Hall who is planning on coming back to Hall the following year. Please read through the below information before you complete your application.
This is an award for demonstrating enthusiasm to build a sporting community within the hall, not for individual sporting success. This is in recognition of the importance of sport (especially team sports) in building positive community relationships and improving physical and mental health.
You will be required to write a short personal statement describing your strategy to increase sporting participation in the hall and to regularly field Hall teams in at least 3 different team sports.
Included in the application criteria will be to plan and execute a St Anselm Hall JCR/Association sports day.
The successful candidate will be chosen by a panel of 3 appropriate Association members.
The award will be paid on you taking up your place in hall for the relevant academic year.
If there is no appropriate returning candidate selected, the award will be opened up to freshers joining hall at the start of the academic year.

Online Application
Please note that applications for the Sports scholarship are only accepted until midnight on 2nd December 2024.​